Communication and Complaints
At Cedarwood we pride ourselves on being an open school with good communication between staff and parents, and always welcome the opportunity to discuss how we can make things even better.
If you have a safeguarding concern you should report this immediately to Mrs Youngs, the Designated Safeguarding Lead or Mrs Shute / Mrs Ward, the Alternate Designated Safeguarding Leads.
If you have a particular problem that arises we would ask that initially you discuss this with your child’s teacher – if they are unable to resolve the problem then you should make an appointment to see Mrs Shute.
If they are unable to resolve the issue they will refer you to Mr Nic Smith-Howell, Chair of Governors.
Complaints Procedure
Parents should note that it is the wish of the Governing Body to deal with matters raised by parents quickly, effectively and as informally as possible. Parents are asked, therefore, in the first instance, to refer any concerns directly to the teaching staff, the Head Teacher and then to Governors.
Please click HERE to read Suffolk County Council Advice on how to raise a concern about a school or your child's education.
If a matter cannot be resolved through informal channels then the Governing Body has adopted a complaints procedure available below.