School Uniform
The school uniform consists of the following:
Grey or black trousers, skirt or pinafore
White polo shirt
Royal blue school sweatshirt / sweatcardigan
The only item that we would like pupils to have is the crested school sweatshirt or sweatcardigan, however plain royal blue is acceptable. Shoes should be sensible, black school shoes and no high heels. When choosing the skirts or pinafores, please also ensure that the length of them is respectable - bear in mind that the children do sit cross legged on the floor!
Please clearly mark all items of school uniform with your child’s name, and ensure that your child does not wear any jewellery (with the exception of one pair of small stud earrings and/or a watch), nail varnish or make-up for school. If earrings are worn they should be removed for PE; if they cannot be removed then they should be covered with a plaster or tape, which should be provided by you as the parent and kept with your child.
Please ensure that your child has the appropriate clothing at school with them during the year as they do spend a lot of time outside, especially at lunch time i.e. their school sweatshirt / sweatcardigan and coat for the cooler months, sunhats and sun cream during the warmer ones.
Over the course of a school year we inherit a huge amount of lost property. Anything that is named, we endeavour to return to the owner, but at the end of each half term all lost property is disposed of. Our lost property area is usually located in the lobby by the double blue doors off of the big playground, for regular checking for any items your child may misplace. Currently we are unable to hold lost property due to mixing of items and people, so please ask your children to keep note of their items at all times.
To view our Uniform policy, please visit our policies page by clicking here
Where to purchase uniform
Generic uniform can be purchased from major stores at competitive prices.
Our branded school uniform can be purchased at Coes of Ipswich. They are a well known and respected retail outlet located on Norwich Road with free parking behind the shop for all of their customers. They offer a personal shopping experience and free alterations to their customers.
Coes provide our royal blue sweatshirts and sweatcardigans with the school emblem on and they also stock dispatch bags (similar to the older style book bags), PE Bags, PE shorts and our Sports top, as well as other plain items of school uniform.
Our Sports top is in our Cedarwood colours of blue and white is exclusive to our school. It is in a light, wicking material, making it more comfortable for the children to wear and should be less creased in their PE Bags, hopefully saving on ironing! It is also unisex so it can always be passed on to siblings.
Our PE Kit is worn from Year 1 upwards, with our Foundation stage pupils wearing their own t-shirt and shorts.
Coes have three different ways to purchase your items:
· Purchase on-line with delivery to home (a delivery fee will be charged)
· Purchase on-line with free collection in store
· Purchase in store. This enables parents to browse the Uniform section and for the children to try items on in the fitting room.
A list of the uniform and prices are available at and on their Information Pack, which can be found here:
Cedarwood's Preloved Uniform Shop
We also have a Preloved Uniform shop at school, which is run by our Parents and Friends of Cedarwood (PFC) Team. They can be contacted on and they will advise what sizes they have in stock at the time of your enquiry. Equally, if your child has grown out of any uniform, please donate it to our shop so that we can redistribute it to our families. Our items of clothing with logos on are priced at £4 per item, and £2 per item of dresses, pinafores, skirts, trousers and shorts.